Healthy Business Hub September event – Kate Taylor

We’re delighted to welcome guest blogger and photographer Natasha Colyer from Seen in the City magazine to our blog with her takeaways from our September talk with Kate Taylor.

Turn Purpose into Profit with Kate Taylor

When it comes to looking at ways to make your business and your ideas work, one of the first things you need to have is a plan. The second? The time and confidence to implement this plan. This is one instance of something that is a lot easier said than done and something we all struggle with. This was why it was so great to hear from life coach Kate Taylor at the latest Healthy Business hub event to see just how those business goals can be achieved.

Kate Taylor

~ Kate Taylor at Brighton & Hove Therapies, at the Healthy Business Hub ~

Kate Taylor is a leading creativity and empowerment coach and creative business mentor, working to help people seek out their “why” so they can live a life on their own terms. She describes herself as being on a one-woman mission to help others live life full of creative expression in order to live well, work well and feel good. Meet Kate in person and this isn’t so hard to believe you can achieve. Not only do her speeches resonate with exactly what you’ve been feeling, but she is also funny and switched on – a combination you don’t get that often – and one that proves what a force of business nature she is. Kate completed a Kickstarter campaign to release her “Personal Life Coach in a Box” – The Practical magic Activation deck – a toolkit made of 56 individually illustrated cards and a book of activation exercises to help order your life.

Kate’s talk at the Healthy Business Hub helped to clear up a lot of doubt, thoughts and feelings and how to turn your business purpose into a profit. Once all attendees were sat with a glass of prosecco or healthy pukka tea in hand, she got down to the nitty gritty, sharing her words of wisdom…

What you think: I just don’t know if I can make money from my business.
What Kate says:  The number one thing is to know that you can make money out of it. Because you’re working from a place with alignment and values, means your value of work is exponential.

What you think: Will anyone want my product or business?
What Kate says: You need to really understand your customers, the people you are here to be of service to. Even if your whole purpose is something that came from you and your story, understand there will be more people like you out there, so really get an idea and get under the skin of your customers, figuring out what they need and the gap you have identified that you can help them with. Only you can do this.

What you think: What do I need to consider about my customers before they purchase?
What Kate says: You need to think if they are ready for purchasing, to work directly with you, or are they a bit further along in terms of just starting to understand the way forward for them. You then need to tailor your content for whatever stage they are in.

What you think: No one interacts to posts I put out on the internet
What Kate says: Don’t underestimate the lurkers! Your customers of tomorrow might be your lurkers today.  Keep making content that is useful, even if they don’t comment or like it, they will see it, they will see your name out there and they might click on it. You will be building a connection and getting your name seen and recognised by potential customers. Remember no one else has a voice like you.

What you think: What ways are best to interact with potential customers?
What Kate says: So many ways, whether podcasts, an IGTV account on Instagram, your newsletter, however you share your message, keep doing it and remember people will be in different stages so test, play and learn from those. Give them things that are useful and means they can step up to being a higher paying customer. Whether it is a freebie or a guide to your product, make them remember you.

Kate Taylor at Brighton and Hove Therapies, at the Healthy Business Hub

~ The Practical Magic Activation Deck ~

What you think: I always procrastinate from tasks, how do I get over that?
What Kate says: Procrastination happens to everyone. What I find works to get over procrastination is to go out, go for a walk and clear your head. Whether you take the dog out or just walk round the block, be sure to look up! We spend so much of our lives looking down at our phones at screens, it helps to look up and away from our inner selves into the wider world around us.

What you think: I feel like an imposter and doubt my accomplishments and skills
What Kate says: Imposter syndrome is very common and it’s a way for our bodies to keep our egos in check. Keep reminding yourself, even though it is hard, of what you have achieved – you have done that yourself. Learn to think of yourself as others would see you and see yourself as an actual brand yourself rather than an individual to help differentiate those feelings.

What you think: Everyone is doing better than me
What Kate says: Things such as social media can be both a blessing and a curse as you can constantly follow what others are doing in their business life. I’d say on social media don’t follow anyone that brings you down or whose accounts make you feel inadequate, that’s not what it is for! If you want to follow someone out of mutual respect, but not see their posts, simply mute them. Sometimes we can get lost in our heads in terms of there’s other people doing what I’m doing, just remember the people you resonate with, will resonate from you and want to work with or buy from you. Get an understanding of them and where their consideration purchasing decisions are and you won’t need to worry about what other people are doing if you know your own customer base.

Kate Taylor at Brighton and Hove Therapies, at the Healthy Business Hub

One last thing – If you see someone who is doing great in what you want to be doing, why not reach out for a collaboration? There is power in collaborations, you can both learn and create something amazing.

Thanks Natasha for such a great write up. Read more from Natasha on lush-looking Seen in the City.

Huge thanks also to TWO fab pop-ups Lulu McQueen and Siofra Lamb, as well as our compere for the night, financial coach Cat Plummer.

Cat is running two money-related workshops at Brighton & Hove Therapies, Master your Money Mindset 10 Oct and Become a Badass at Budgeting 21 Oct.

Lulu McQueen’s jewellery

Brighton based jewellery designer and metalsmith Lulu brought along her stylish, unique, modern jewellery, which can be hand-made to order. Mainly made using silver and brass Lulu incorporates crystals into her designs.

Lulu loves crystals for the wonderful qualities and meanings they have and is often asked to create jewellery with crystals for specific reasons and health benefits.

“Thank you very much to Brighton & Hove Therapies for inviting me to run my pop – up at the Healthy Business Hub event.  What a fantastic evening, great venue, wonderful company and inspirational speaker. Thank you!!”

If you loved Lulu’s hand-stamped jewellery, inlaid with semi-precious stones, then check out her Etsy shop at

Lulu McQueen at Brighton and Hove Therapies, at the Healthy Business Hub

~ Lulu McQueen ~

Sisi Holistic Beauty

If you’re lusting after some organic, sweet smelling oils and balms visit Siofra Lamb’s

Síofra’s holistic beauty products are handmade, 100% natural and mostly organic are crafted to nurture skin health rather than covering up skin problems.

“My products are ethically made, I do not use oils which are derived from endangered plant species and I avoid using essential oils which require chemical extraction, my focus is on simplicity”.

Sisi Holistic Beauty at Brighton and Hove Therapies, at the Healthy Business Hub

~ Sisi Holistic Beauty ~