Happy Birthday to us – We’re 10 today!

Back when B&HT first opened ten years ago today (5th December 2011), I could never have imagined that we’d reach this point. Thinking back to all the lovely therapists I’ve had the privilege to work with, the two years of running our Healthy Business Hub networking events, and keeping the clinic running during a pandemic while becoming a new mother for the first time… it’s an emotional day for me!

Happy 10th Birthday to us! with sparkling candles on cupcakes

There’s no doubt that running a business comes with a lot of highs and lows. It’s definitely a mixed bag of emotions along the way. Being completely honest, there have been times over the years when self-doubt has crept in and made me wonder whether I could keep going.
Here’s the thing. Self-doubt is part of being human. It’s completely normal. And it will hit all of us in different ways and at different times in our lives. Especially at the moment, after two years of living through a pandemic, isolation and endless lateral flow tests – so if you’re struggling or finding it hard to get motivated about the future, it’s hardly surprising.

But your self-doubt isn’t actually telling you the truth about what you’re capable of. It’s telling you that something within you is out of balance. And motivation and inspiration can be in short supply when you’re in that place. What I’ve learned and what I’m still learning is that while we can’t control life, we do all have access to a totally personalised ‘toolbox’ of resources. These are things that are individual to you, that make you feel nourished and nurtured, and that you can turn to at any time.

The success of my business has always been based on how passionate I am about complementary healthcare, and how essential and life-changing it is. But in order to stay connected and motivated during the pandemic, I’ve needed my toolbox more than ever. Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I know that a walk in the countryside or along the beach can help bring some focus back and relax my mind. But your toolbox can be full of anything that works for you, from mindfulness meditation to going for a walk with a friend, to sea swimming, going to therapy or getting a massage. Anything that fills your cup or gives you time out.

Winter countryside

What I’m really trying to say in this email is that if you’re not feeling amazing or totally on form, it’s completely normal. Just be kind and patient with yourself, if you’re not moving forward with your business (or your life) at the pace you might have done, pre-pandemic, that’s okay.

Personally, I tend towards being a perfectionist and can be hard on myself, so it’s a lot for me to say that I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. But I am proud of Brighton & Hove Therapies. I love the space we’ve created and I love our wonderful team and all the unique ways we support our clients and each other. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who has been part of this amazing decade.

As I’m blowing out the candles on our 10th Birthday cake, I’m wishing you all a Christmas season of being kind to yourselves, taking the pressure off a bit, and just enjoying the little moments every day.


Sophie x

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