What is Counselling / Psychotherapy?
Counselling is a process of support often accessed when people are experiencing emotional, psychological or interpersonal difficulties or questions. It offers a safe and confidential space away from external influences, where a non-judgemental environment shared with a qualified therapist, facilitates exploration and change.
The therapist does not offer advice or tell you how to live your life. You and your therapist work collaboratively to explore and attend to your issues of concern and discover what is uniquely required by you to balance and improve your well-being, and move forward in a more fulfilling way.
There are many different approaches, but essentially they all aim to promote awareness, understanding empowerment and change.
What can Counselling / Psychotherapy be used for?
It can be helpful for a range of life experiences past or present especially if they are impacting negatively on our lives and causing us to feel stuck. Issues that people bring to their sessions include:
Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Bereavement, Bullying, Childhood Experiences, Confidence Building, Coping Strategies , Depression, Disability, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Drugs, Family Issues, Identity, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Issues, Life Changes, Low Self-Esteem, Coping with Loss, Mental Health Issues, Parental Difficulties, Personal Development, Relationship Breakup, Relationship Difficulties, Self-Awareness, Self-Harm, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Identity, Sexual Orientation, Sexuality, Stress, Substance Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts, Trauma, Violence, Work Issues and many more…
The list is as wide as life itself.
What are the benefits of Counselling / Psychotherapy?
Each person’s experience will be different, however it can help facilitate the following:
- stabilisation of difficult moods and emotions
- clearer thinking about problems
- more control and choice over your actions
- a greater sense of who you are
- clarity about relationships
- new resources to deal with the challenges of life
- greater openness to new experiences
Who is Counselling / Psychotherapy for?
Anyone who wishes to look more deeply into their life experience whether that be because of going through a difficult time or to manage change, or anyone who wishes to move forward in life beyond the emotional or psychological place they find themselves in.